Our Complaints Handling Procedure

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). We are committed to high quality legal advice and client care and aim to offer all our clients an efficient and effective service. However, if our clients would like to discuss how the service to them could be improved, the level of their bill, or should there be any aspect of our service with which they are not satisfied, we ask them to please contact the person in our firm responsible for complaints Handling: [insert name of person responsible for complaints] [their role i.e. Director] on [phone number and email] or by post to [address]. For Sole Practitioners/Sole Directors If your complaint is in relation to the conduct of our Complaints Handling Representative, we will make alternative arrangements for the investigation and handling of your complaint.

We are committed to high quality legal advice and client care and are keen to resolve any concerns as soon as possible and in order to do this, will follow our complaints handling procedure.

We will endeavour to handle your complaint promptly, fairly and free of charge.

Our complaints procedure is as follows:

Step One:

If they have not already done so, we ask our clients to let us know the full nature of the problem.

Step Two:

Our Complaints Handling Representative will write to the client acknowledging their complaint within five working days. In this letter, we shall confirm what happens next.

Step Three:

Our complaints Handling Representative shall then investigate the matter by reviewing the matter file and speaking to the member of staff concerned within ten working days of acknowledging receipt of the complaint. If, for some reason, the matter cannot be investigated in this timeframe, then we will write to the client notifying them of this together with the reason why and giving a revised timescale.

Once the investigation has been completed, our Complaints Handling Representative shall invite the client to a meeting to discuss the issue(s) they have raised and hopefully resolve the complaint. This could be a meeting, video conference call or telephone call and the client’s preference will be taken into account along as well as how best the matter may be dealt with. This process of engagement will take place within ten working days of our concluding the investigation of the matter. Following the meeting or call, our Complaints Handling Representative shall write to the client within five working days of the meeting or call to confirm the discussion and the solution agreed upon.

If the client does not want to or is unable to attend such a meeting or engage in a discussion (or the meeting or call is not necessary), we will be happy to send the client a detailed, written response, including the proposed solution, within fifteen working days of our concluding the investigation of the matter.

Step Four:

If the client is satisfied with our response following the above steps, that will be the end of the matter. However, if the client is not satisfied, they will be invited to contact our Complaints Handling Representative again and they will arrange for [another Partner/Director] [another senior member of staff who is unconnected with the matter] to review the decision. They will write to the client within ten working days of receiving the request with confirmation of the firm’s final position in relation to the complaint, outlining the reasons and any final redress that is offered.

Step Five: Other avenues

Clients must always try complaining to us first. In most cases they will not be able to take their complaint further without allowing us the opportunity to put things right.

Legal Ombudsman

We are permitted a period of eight weeks to consider the complaint. If for any reason we are unable to resolve the problem between us within that timeframe, then our clients are advised that they may ask the Legal Ombudsman to consider the complaint.

Clients are free to refer any complaint about our work, fees or level of service but there are some conditions and time limits. Please be aware that any complaint to the Legal Ombudsman must usually be made within six months of the client having received a final written response from us about their complaint. Complaints to the Legal Ombudsman must usually be made within one year of the act or omission about which the client is complaining occurring or from when the client should have known about or become aware that there were grounds for complaint.

Price Transparency

Legal Aid & Fee Information

We understand that you may be concerned as to how to fund your court fees throughout litigation and court proceedings. At Family Defence Law, we have different payment options to suit you.

Legal Aid

We have been awarded a Legal Aid franchise. This means our solicitors have the authority to grant emergency legal aid for certain areas of law.

Whether you qualify for legal aid depends firstly on the nature of your case and secondly on your financial situation – please click here to request a free consultation with us. If the nature of your case qualifies for legal aid you will then be required to provide evidence of all your finances. In the first instance a discussion with one of our caseworkers on the telephone may provide an indication and if it seems you may be eligible at that stage you will need to provide full documentary financial disclosure to confirm eligibility.

Agreed Hourly Rate

This is the traditional fee structure which means that a solicitor will assess your case and provide a fully flexible option on an hour by hour basis. You will be given information about the likely overall cost of your matter and you will be updated as to these costs. Hourly rates charged will depend on the level of experience and post qualification accreditation of the particular caseworker allocated to your case.

Fixed Fee

On some matters we have fixed fee options available. This means that a solicitor will assess your situation and provide you with a fixed fee to assist with your case. This gives you a level of cost certainty to get you to a particular resolution. For some areas we are able to do this in stages of your case which gives you even more flexibility.

Self Help

You act in person but instruct us to undertake a particular task in your presence eg the drafting of a statement; the drafting of court pleadings.